Your Feedback – Automated WiFi Enabled (IoT) Salaah/Namaz (Prayers) Timings Display


Thank you for taking the time and effort to review this Project and provide your feedback and insights. You can skip the Background section below and jump to the main content. JazakaAllahu Khairan for your efforts.



It was sometime in 2012 when I saw this lovely Salah Indicator in Jame Masjid, Mallepally, Hyderabad, India: Continue reading “Your Feedback – Automated WiFi Enabled (IoT) Salaah/Namaz (Prayers) Timings Display”

Adding a (extra) Hardware Serial Port using I2C on Arduino or other MCU – SyedTips – 3

One cool thing/feature I learned from the Arduino Uno WiFi board was how to implement/add an extra hardware Serial Port to the existing MCU using a I2C to Serial Bridge.

The Atmega328P MCU on the Arduino Uno has only one Hardware Serial port. If we’re interfacing a Serial Device to this MCU and would also like to use Serial debugging, an option is to use SoftwareSerial (which comes with it’s own set of issues and limitations). A better option is to have an I2C – Serial Bridge that’d allow the host MCU to interface with another Serial Device.

The team did this splendidly and used this SC16IS750IBS to have the MCU talk with the on-board ESP8266 through this I2C to Serial Bridge.



You can read more about the implementation and details on the product page:


Part 0: Getting started with AWS IoT and Arduino (+ESP8266)

[4/Sept/2018]: As indicated by @rafa in his comment:

As of today it is perfectly fine to connect ESP8266 to the AWS IoT Core via MQTT and TLS V1.2 as you can see in the following example.

Neither MongooseOS nor Open-RTOS is required. Plain old sketch file with the standard ESP8266WiFi Arduino library and PubSubClient from Nick O’Leary (

[7/June/2017]: I came across this post: I haven’t tried it yet. Pls let me know in the comments if this worked for you.

[31/July/2016]: I’m very Sorry. I couldn’t get the ESP8266 talk with the AWS IoT platform due to the ESP’s limited ability to support TLS 1.2 which is required by AWS IoT.

If you’re comfortable using the ESP SDK, something exciting just came up: –> an MQTT example with AWS IoT + ESP8266.

I’ll wait till someone builds a wrapper/library around it.

I’ve been thinking of using the Arduino MKR1000 instead with the AWS IoT. Let’s hope this get’s done quick 🙂

Pre.Scriptum: (Edit: 21, Dec, 2015)  Amazon released the AWS IoT suite of applications and services a while back and I now feel it’ll be more helpful if we base our tutorial on the AWS IoT platform. It’s a TODO for me and hopefully I’ll have something up and running.

I’ll be doing a series of posts on getting started with building IoT applications using an AWS EC2 Instance and an Arduino with ESP8266 WiFi Module. We’ll eventually delve into Raspberry Pi, MongoDB, Node.js, Dashboards etc as  the journey continues. Continue reading “Part 0: Getting started with AWS IoT and Arduino (+ESP8266)”

Sharing WiFi Internet connection with Raspberry Pi through LAN/Ethernet (Headless Mode)

Update 25th August, 2017: I haven’t tried this method yet on the recently released Raspbian Stretch version. However, one user has confirmed that the first method works on it. If it works for you, please let us know through the comments. Thanks.

Update 29th Dec, 2016: If you’re using the latest PIXEL Image, please make sure you enable the SSH Server by placing a a file named as ssh in the boot directory before trying any of the following methods. The SSH Server on boot has been disabled in the latest Raspbian image as a security measure. Read more about it here:

Update 9th July, 2016: I’m inspired by this method of SSHing into a Pi through the USB only and gonna tinker and see if we can get to also share Internet over to the Pi using only the USB. (No more messy LAN Cable 🙂 ). If you get it working, please share.

Update 10th July, 2016: I’m afraid, I won’t be able to get the above method running on a Pi 2/3 as it’s only supposed to work on a Pi Zero. If you have a Pi Zero and are interested in Sharing WiFi over USB, please check out

Updated 5th April, 2016 with Striner’s method


If this Tutorial helps you, please consider PayPaling me any positive integer at

This post will allow you to share WiFi Internet connection of the PC/Laptop with the Raspberry Pi which are connected to each other through a simple LAN/Ethernet cable connection at each end.

What you want to do:

  1. Share PC/Laptop’s WiFi Internet connection with Raspberry Pi through LAN/Ethernet connected to Raspberry Pi

Continue reading “Sharing WiFi Internet connection with Raspberry Pi through LAN/Ethernet (Headless Mode)”

Making Android talk with Arduino through WiFi

After spending days and more than 11 hours straight today, we’ve finally got Android talking with Arduino via WiFi using the cute little RN XV WiFi module. What was considered to be a mountain turned out to be a molehill. The funny part is that this now looks more easier than the Bluetooth communication which I’m comfortable with. What we’re doing here is connecting the Arduino to an Android device which is configured as a HotSpot (a very cool Android feature from ver 2.2 onwards). Snapshot:

Android Arduino WiFi

I’ll be explaining in detail all steps, configurations and code in my next post since I’m very tired now having worked the entire day getting this working. It’s 2:30 A.M 🙂 Good Night